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14 Secret Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts you must know!

I have seen a lot of Facebook fan pages posting pictures with text like “Press L to see what happens” or something like that. Facebook is allowing some keyboard shortcuts to make the social networking experience more easier for us. I’m going to list out some of those must know Facebook keyboard shortcuts.
In order use these Facebook keyboard shortcut you need to first use the key modifiers which are different for each browser on Windows and Mac.
If you are using Windows then based on your browser the key modifiers sequence is:
14 Secret Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts you must know!

Firefox: Shift + Alt + #
Chrome: Alt + #
If you are on a Mac then the key modifiers are:
Firefox : Control + #
Chrome: Control + Option + #
Safari: Control + Option + #
After the keyboard sequence just press the following numbers to goto the respective pages. For example (using Chrome browser and Windows), if you press Alt + 1, then its the Facebook keyboard shortcut to access the Facebook Home page and you will be redirected to the homepage. Similarly you can also try out the other shortcuts. :)
1 : home
2 : timeline/profile
3 : friends
4 : messages
5 : notifications
6 : general account settings
7 : privacy settings
8 : Facebook’s Facebook page
9 : legal terms
0 : help center
m : new message
? : search
Apart from this in lightbox mode (like when viewing a picture in modal window) there are a few more shortcuts like :
L: Like/Unlike photos
Left and right arrow keys: Skip back and forth between photos
I hope you liked it. Let me know if I have missed any and also share to let others know! Cheers :)

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