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Trick: Post colourful text on facebook comments

Are you bored of the old statuses and simple comments on Facebook, and want to do something new and cool ?

There are billion of people on Facebook, and knowing some cool Facebook tricks is not bad, as it will popularize you among your friends.

So today, we are here with a cool Facebook trick for you all. With the help of this trick you can type  colorful letters in Facebook comment, statuses or messages. If you comment or update a status in the way, which we are sharing here, you are bound to get dozens of likes and replies as your comment will be highlighted and will look unique.

Trick: Post colourful text on facebook comments

Here is the trick-

  1-First of all go to the Facebook status, photo or message where you want to post the colored text.
2- Then copy and paste the codes present in front of your required alphabets from below-

[[107015582669715]] = A
[[116067591741123]] = B
[[115602405121532]] = C
[[112542438763744]] = D
[[115430438474268]] = E
[[109225112442557]] = F
[[111532845537326]] = G
[[111356865552629]] = H
[[109294689102123]] = I
[[126362660720793]] = J
[[116651741681944]] = K
[[115807951764667]] = L
[[106596672714242]] = M
[[108634132504932]] = N
[[116564658357124]] = O
[[111669128857397]] = P
[[107061805996548]] = Q
[[106699962703083]] = R
[[115927268419031]] = S
[[112669162092780]] = T
[[108983579135532]] = U
[[107023745999320]] = V
[[106678406038354]] = W
[[116740548336581]] = X
[[112416755444217]] = Y
[[165724910215]] = Z

3-After typing each code, leave a space.
4- For example if you want to type Hi, then type [[111356865552629]] [[109294689102123]].

  5-Now just view your comment or message. It will appear in such a manner that you yourself will be surprised and so will be your friends.
We suggest you to bookmark this page, which will help you to get back to it easily in future. So if you want to post colorful text in future then you can just open the bookmark, copy the codes and paste it on Facebook.

So what are you waiting for friends, go and try out this trick.

These codes sometimes don't work from computer browser, not always, so if you face any problems then try this trick from mobile. It will surely work.

Keep visiting for many more updates.

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