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How to get Verified Account Check mark On your Facebook profile name?

Much like the verified accounts on Twitter, now Facebook will also start displaying a small blue check mark beside profile name or page name to show authentic accounts of celebrities and other high-profile people and businesses on Facebook. Since its pretty easy to create a new Facebook profile or page, it was difficult to figure out whether you’re looking at a genuine account or whether a post is actually been posted by the real celeb or public figure. However with the launching of this new feature it would be easy to spot it out.
You can check out the singer and actress, Selena Gomez page to see this new feature. There are a few more accounts which have received this including the Mark Zuck’s profile.

How to get Verified Account Check mark beside your Facebook profile name?

So How to get Verified Account status icon beside your Facebook profile name?


Well, Its not possible (at least for now). Unless you are famous celeb or public figure or some popular brand you won’t be getting this. Facebook’s verified status won’t be offered to everyone. Like Twitter, Facebook will proactively verify authentic Pages and profiles, and users cannot request to be verified. Users can however report fake accounts. Anyhow it seems like Facebook has already rolled out the verified check mark to a wide variety of celebs and soon we will be viewing more profiles with verified icons.

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