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How to Use Profile Pictures as Emoticons in Facebook Chat

Would you like to know how to use your own profile picture or your friends profile picture as an emoticon or smiley in Facebook chat?
Almost all of you would be knowing how to use the usual facebook emoticons which are as simple as and also a little bit odd emoticons like :psy: and :putname:. But that’s not all, you can also use the profile pictures of users in facebook chat. This is not a new feature or so but most people don’t know about this.
How to Use Profile Pictures as Emoticons in Facebook Chat

By the way this works only in the Facebook chat window. This how you do it:
1.   Go to the Facebook profile of the person whose picture you want to use.
2.   Find the profile ID in your browser’s URL box. The profile ID will be at the end of the URL, like so:
 http://www.facebook.com/proileid. (eg:http://www.facebook.com/zuck or http://www.facebook.com/100000110974378
3.   Copy just the profile ID.
4.  Go to the chat window and type in
 [[profileid]] (eg: [[zuck]] ) and thats it it wil show a small profile picture as emoticon in the chat.
Remember that this works only in the facebook chat window and not in status update or other section. :)

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