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How To Accept All Facebook Friend Requests At Once 2015

How To Accept All Facebook Friend Requests At Once

How to Accept All Facebook Friend Requests At Once is one of the main query

 Searched by big Facebook Users.Now there is trick by which Facebook users can easily

 accept all Facebook friend requests automatically at once without a Single click. This

 is Script written in JavaScript. it Work smoothly. If you are getting 50 to 100 Facebook

 friend Requests daily then you are now fed up from accepting friend requests. 

According to a recent survey, people are excited when they receive new friend requests,

 especially from the opposite sex. As we all know that Facebook not allow us to accept all

 friends requests at once. If you are looking for such a trick by which you can accept

 all Facebook Friend Request in one click. So here is trick.

How to Accept  Facebook Friend Requests Automatically

There are simple and easy steps, just follow these steps to accept all Facebook friend requests automatically.
  • First of all Login to Your Account account.
  • Now to Go to Facebook Pending Requests page (Link: www.facebook.com/reqs.php). You will see all Facebook friend requests here.
  • If you have lot of friend requests may you see in pending requests page see more option click on see more for open other friend requests. May you do this two or three times. See more option   look like to below image.
Accept All Facebook Friend Requests At Once JavaScript - PAKL33T
  • If you also see on Facebook pending requests page see hidden Requests then click on it for see hidden requests.See hidden requests option look like to below image.
Accept All Facebook Friend Requests At Once JavaScript - PAKL33T

  • After complete all first 4 steps. Open Console box.
  • For Google Chrome press Ctrl+Shift+J or F12 or right click on window and go to inspect element and click on console.
  • In Mozilla Firefox Press Ctrl+Shift+C  or right click on window and go to inspect element and click on console.
  • After open console box Copy below java script and Paste into console box and press Enter.

It will take a few moments to confirm all friend requests.

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