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Convert 2GB Memory Card Into 4GB

Convert 2GB Memory Card Into 4GB
How To Increase Memory Card Space

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Memory Card Storage become one of the great problem nowadays because of to much data. Everything become digital like our important documents, books and many more so now people need more storage space for their uses devices but how to increase their existing space this can be solved with the help of Memory Card but what we do if our data increasing day by day? Have we bought new Memory Card everyday? Is such a difficult thing. So what a best way in this way? Isn't we increase our Memory Storage?
Yes! Now you can easily increase your Memory Card Storage Space with the help of below mentioned method. This method works mostly on all SD cards or memory cards. If you have 1 or 2 GB card then you have to try to increase internal space of your memory card or SD card. Most of you maybe thinking that it is impossible and this is just joke, but i make you sure its not joke. Below method really works and there is a script that makes your Memory card internal space to 4 GB. This is such a awesome trick and it is tested by many users, you just run a script, enter your Memory Card's Name, its letter (commonly it is 'E' but you may have 'A', 'S' or whatever you want). This trick is very helpful and important for those who have 1 GB or 2 GB cards and they cannot buy 4 GB cards for some reasons. Now You will come to know how to increase internal size of your SDCARD/Memory Card. Most important it works only on some memory cards and specially on 1 GB or 2 GB internal storage cards and if you will try to increase your android's internal memory by below method then you can brick your Android's Internal Card or Memory Card which may next time never work. So, please try only on your SD cards and memory cards.
how to convert 2 GB memory card to 4 GB?

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What you need?
•1 GB or 2 GB Memory/SD card

How to convert 1 or 2 GB Memory/SD card to 4GB?

1. First i recommend you to take a backup of Your Memory Card and its not a big deal :)
2. Extract 'increase internal space of memory Card Toolkit' which you have downloaded.
3. Now insert your 1 GB or 2 GB Memory Card/SD card in your computer but 1st take backup.
4. After taking complete backed up of your Card then open Drive Increaser.bat file from extracted folder.

Convert 2GB Memory Card Into 4GB
Convert 2GB Memory Card Into 4GB
5. After the script will open, it will ask you for name which you want to give your SD/Memory Card. like me entered 'Sama' and after entering name, hit enter.

Convert 2GB Memory Card Into 4GB

6. Now, you have to enter your Drive's letter and if you don't know your Memory Card/SD card's letter, then goto My Computer. Here you will see your C drive along with many drives and you will also find your Memory Card/SD card's, So see its letter, for example because it very important to be careful while entering your drive name. Like My drive's name is G:
How to Convert 2GB Memory Card to 4GB
7. Now, again enter your drive name. Once again be careful while entering drive name.
8. Now, wait............because the script will do the rest of work it self. You will not wait more because it mostly complete its work within 2-10 minutes or maybe more.
9. when its done then see your Memory Card/SD card internal space and if it is 4 GB then you have good luck :) and in the same way if your Memory Card/SD card's internal storage have not increased then you are having bad luck :(
If it increased then now, you have converted your Memory Card/SD card's internal storage and now you can restore the backup that you have taken.


So now you can store files upto 3 GB (4 GB does not means full 4GB, even 8 GB pen drives or memory cards have space upto 7 GB+). If you have good Luck mean have increased space then i am sure you are so happy and if you are happy then Please share with your friends they also Convert 2GB Memory Card to 4GB. And if you face any problem or suggestion then can write in comment box Thanks :)

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  1. Behtreen ;)- just going to try , hope it works .. Jazak Allah Khayr brother ...

    nice blog

  2. Thanks So Much Dear For Your Lovely Comment <3


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